Recent NY Trip Notes...

Hi Everyone,
Just back from my latest trip to the gift show in NYC. Wow, was it cold!!! But a fantastic trip, I do love the city.
I thought I would give you all a little recap of the amazing shops and restaurants I hit this time…
Sorella—95 Allen Street (lower east side)
What a tiny hidden gem of an italian restaurant. Looks like nothing from the outside, as is the case in so many NY restaurants but wait till you get inside. Specializing in small plates italian food. Gorgeous back room with a completely glass ceiling. Make sure to save room for their home made gelato, it was incredible!
DBGB—Bowery between Houston and 1st
Big beautiful space, noisy and hectic, what a scene! Thanks to my fantastic friends for braving the freezing cold to try this new spot with me:) Try the sausages, incredible variety. Don’t miss the pork sausage with cheddar cheese served on a hashbrown with creme fraiche…ridiculous.
Standard Grill—meatpacking district
Very chic space, under the new Standard hotel that straddles the highline. Love the waiters’ plaid uniforms, love the french painted tile floor, loved the chicken paillard with arugula and tomato salad for lunch. Can’t beat the people watching here, endless outfit inspiration.
Travertine—19 Kenmare Street (lower Nolita)
Gorgeous space, incredible house made pasta, so fresh. I had dinner but heard that the brunch is so fun, dj, amazing cocktails, etc.
Worth Noting—not a single big screen television in any of these places….and the decor extended right into the bathrooms.

I absolutely love a well designed restaurant bathroom. When you go to such trouble to make the place great and then forget about the bathroom, well that just makes me nuts!
Food Emporium under the 59th Street bridge—this is hands down the most incredible grocery store space you will ever see…


Literally located under the 59th Street bridge…check out the ceilings…


There was a coffee bar, incredible cheese selection, and here’s the chocolate counter….

i mean, are you kidding me?
ABC home—19th and Broadway
Always a can’t miss spot for me. The most inspiring shop in the city. Beautiful housewares, accessories, rugs, jewelry, paper goods, and that’s just on the first floor…

Madewell—Broome and Broadway in Soho
Here’s what i want to look like for spring…
Lucky for us they have a location in Century City…of course i haven’t been there yet…putting it on my to do list.

Have to give a big thank you to my wonderful girlfriend Nicole who let me crash in her incredible pad in Tribeca…
the most talented, creative, artistic woman i know who works in finance!
I mean, look at this wall in her apartment. unbelieveable!
Hope this posts inspires you to hit the big city. Email me if you want any more reccomendations.
Have a great day!

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