Hey Everyone,
How are you all doing out there? Crazy times right? I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy and happy.
With the rise in cases of Covid 19 lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how best to serve you guys in whichever way you’re most comfortable, and especially how our small business community is going to make it through this mess.
And so today, I thought I’d take a minute to let you know all the ways we at Gum Tree are here to help you. And to show you some pretty pictures too:)

Our Shops are open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am-5pm.

We are letting in 3 people at a time, masks are required, and so is hand sanitizer. We have both of these things at the door for you.

Our website is open 24/7 and we are adding new things to it every single day!

We are offering FREE South Bay delivery on all online and phone orders!

You can place your order online, and pick up at our Manhattan Beach Shop.

You can call us anytime at either shop, and we can help you over the phone and run your purchase out to you curbside.

Hermosa Shop 310-376-8744
Manhattan Shop 310-318-2990

We offer FREE shipping outside the area on orders over $100.

We have new cell phones at each shop now, in case you’re not comfortable coming in, we can face time you through the shop, or we can text you pics, it’s fun and easy!

Our cafe is open for outdoor dining and take out orders. Tuesday through Sunday, from 8am-3pm.

Almost everything you see in the photos above is online. If it’s not, we’re happy to help you over the phone or email. Just reach out and we’ll do our very best to get you what you need!
These are such challenging times for all of us, and we know how easy it can be to just pop online to Amazon or Target, but I’m here to remind you that your small business community, wherever you live, really needs you right now.
We hope you’ll think small if you’re looking for that perfect gift, I promise your favorite small businesses are grateful for every sale! We are quick, we can totally make it easy for you, and we hope to be here serving the communities we love for years to come.
If you’re not spending right now, no worries, we get it! A quick share on social media about your favorite spot goes a long way.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Think Globally, Shop and Eat Locally!
Lori Ford